Monday, March 2, 2009

Poster Design

Poster for the concert event for Taxi Taxi.

This poster used a simple image combination to substitute the letters “x”. The images used are bandages, not clean/new ones, but used, dirty, and pretty bloody too. Though blood is not visible, it seeped through the cotton.
Taxi Taxi is an Indie music group. Used/bloody bandages symbolizes wound, hurt, cut. Perhaps this poster says that they take risks in their music and sometimes accidents happen. Or maybe it’s the location that is dangerous/risky—Brooklyn, New York. Whatever the hidden meanings behind these bandages are, it is obvious that Taxi Taxi is not a classical, conventional group.

Another pretty cool poster I found on the Internet.

The image is too small to see what it is promoting, but I thought I’d put it up since it looks so cool. I like how simple it is and yet so dynamic. Simply breathe.... Sometimes I seem to forget it, but when I saw this poster, I definitely took a moment to relax and breathe.

KU School of Design flash animation

Here is the link for my flash animation. Enjoy!